Android FileRun App Changelog

1.0.3 (November 28, 2018)

  • Added compatibility with Android 8+.
  • Added exit prompt when tapping the hardware back button on the main screen.
  • Added option for removing local copies for individual files.
  • Added option for removing local copies from either sub folders.
  • Local copies of the files are better organized in folders, for accessing them outside the FileRun app.
  • Clearing the app's cache clears the thumbnail cache, but preserves the local file copies.
  • Thumbnails are now being saved to the internal cache storage from where the system can automatically clean it if storage space is needed. They also get removed when the app is uninstalled. Other apps cannot access this data.
  • Folders which contain local file copies are now being visually marked.
  • Added compatibility with the searching in the newer FileRun versions (2018.11.11+).
  • Added options to list files and folders that were shared with other users or shared with links.
  • UI changed to look more like the FileRun web UI.
  • Added support for searching files using other criteria than filename: “contents: keyword”, “meta: keyword1, keyword2”, “tags: tag1, tag2”
  • Fixed opening folders via the context menu
  • The file/folder rename prompt no longer forces you to type in the full name.
  • Sharing a link no longer makes a server request if the file is already linked.
  • Files/folders shared with other FileRun users are now marked with an icon.
  • Will work with the next FileRun server version:
    • Added option to remove web links.
    • Better handling for FileRun accounts without home folders.