The command line tools are available inside the cron/ folder.

Note: You might need to specify the PHP configuration file (php.ini) path to be loaded, so that the command is executed with the same configuration and not the default one (which usually doesn't load needed extensions, such as ionCube):

php -c /the-full-path/to-your/php.ini script-file-name.php
metadata_update_file_type.php "/path/to/folder-or-file/"

Will assign a FileRun metadata file type (will mark the files as Photo, Image, Audio, etc.) and automatically extract metadata for the appropriate types (for example: image width, height, creation date, and the rest of the Exif/IPTC/XMP data for image files), for the file or files found at the specified path. For folders with more than 10.000 files, use the command below.

metadata_index.php superuser "/full/path/to/subfolder/"

As above, but will apply to files located inside the home folder of the specified user account superuser. Not specifying a username will process all users' home folders. /full/path/to/subfolder/ is optional and limits the process to the particular subfolder.


Deleting old files


Sends e-mail notifications triggered by the logged user actions.

empty_trash.php --username superuser --days 30

Will remove from the trash folder the items deleted more than 30 days ago for the user with the username superuser. Not specifying a username will apply the action for each existing user account. Not specifying the number of days will remove all trashed items.

make_thumbs.php superuser

Will generate thumbnails for all files located in the home folder of the user with the username superuser. Not specifying a username will apply the action for each existing user account. It will not regenerate already existing thumbnails.

make_thumbs.php --username superuser --size large

Will generate high-re previews for all files located in the home folder of the user with the username superuser. Not specifying a username will apply the action for each existing user account. It will not regenerate already existing previews.


Will remove from the FileRun database records for files that are no longer present in the filesystem. Options: –deep (cleans) –aggressive (look also at excluded FileRun items) –remove-hidden (look also inside hidden FileRun items)


reindex_files.php superuser

Will reindex the contents of the files available in the home folder of the user with the username superuser. Not specifying a username will apply the action for each existing user account.

add_file_to_search_index.php "/full/path/to/file.ext"

Will index the contents of the file at the specified path.

add_folder_to_search_index.php  "/full/path/to/folder/"

Will index the contents of all the files found inside the folder at the specified path.

reset_superuser_pass.php new-password

Will set the password of the superuser (the default user account) to new-password.

index_filenames.php true

Will index the names of all the files inside the specified /path/to/folder/ folder, with the purpose of making files created outside FileRun show in the filename search result. Setting the optional argument true will suppress the command's output (which can be quite large).


Will send e-mail notifications for users using more than a certain percentage of their assigned file space quotas. The percentage is configured from FileRun's control panel under “Misc options” → “Users quota warning level”.


If an authentication plugin is enabled, this command will sync the FileRun users database with the remote list of users.