Table of Contents

Authentication integration

Official/supported authentication integrations are included for:

Before you enable authentication integration, please use the “Save and test settings” button to make sure the settings are correct.

Undo the settings changes if the test is not successful

In case you configured the settings incorrectly or the third-party system stops working, in most cases you will still be able to login with the FileRun superuser login (with the password last stored in FileRun's own database).

Single-sign-on (SSO)

The authentication plugins for the CMS systems support single-sign-on, so that users authenticated in your site, are not required to type in their usernames and passwords again, for accessing FileRun. For this to work, after the users logged into your site, you need to redirect them to “” (note the “/sso/” ending). If you direct them to the FileRun root URL and the authentication settings allow local login (login with FileRun credentials), the users will be prompted by the login form and not redirected automatically.

Disabling the authentication integration

In case you can no longer access the FileRun control panel, please follow these steps:

  1. Run the follwing SQL query on the FileRun database:
    UPDATE `df_settings` SET `val`='' WHERE `var`='auth_plugin'
  2. Delete the file system/data/temp/cache.settings.tmp.php

You should now be able to login the FileRun with the previously set FileRun superuser credentials.